Saturday, May 28, 2011

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

From Thursday, May 26, 2011

I’ve fallen behind on my Blog! I didn’t get on the computer Thursday at all. The “cold” has gotten worse. I can only stay up short times and then I have to lie down. Seems like I just want to close my eyes. I’m taking Motrin and that helps for awhile with the headache which is a constant thing. I’ve coughed so much that my throat and chest hurt.

Today, Thursday, we planned to go to visit Dane and Doris (Charlie’s aunt and uncle) for lunch and some pool time. I had forgotten my bathing suit from home, so I went over to Kohl’s on Wednesday evening to buy a new one to use today. They had a good sale and I found at least three that I liked. I was tempted to buy two of them, but thought, why buy two of these suits when all you will do is leave them home! So, I bought one which will probably be the one that stays in the RV.

Doris and Dane live in Suffolk, VA, which is about 45 minutes from here. On the way, we stopped by to see Charlie’s 95 year old grandma (he calls her “Mammaw”). She is in a rest home. She’s very frail and somewhat forgetful. When we were walking to her room, we saw her in her wheelchair coming up the hallway. I don’t think she recognized Mom at first and then didn’t seem to recognize Charlie and I. But, we told her who we were and as soon as it registered, she was happy to see us.

We went back to her room and visited for awhile. We didn’t stay too long because we didn’t want to tire her out and she had Bingo at 2:00pm! She didn’t want to miss that either because she mentioned that a couple of times. We took some pictures with her and left.

At Doris and Dane's we had lunch and then went to the pool. The water really felt refreshing. The air temps were in the 90’s. I think Charlie, Doris and I were in the water for at least an hour. Dane sat on the deck under his umbrella. It was his job to throw the floating devices in the water when we needed them.

We had a really nice visit with them and they are having us over again on Sunday for a cookout! More of the family will be there then too, so hopefully we’ll get to see everyone.

Needless to say, I was bushed from the day at the pool, but happy to have done it. But, the night time is always the worse time for a cold and that night I was so congested and miserable.

Charlie decided to call my brother, Richard, to see if he had gotten over his cold. He had been sick the Sunday before we left NC. We were wondering if he was better or the same. Either way, I wanted to know what meds he was taking.

Charlie talked to him for a few minutes. It turns out that Richard had chills and some stuffiness, but his symptoms went away. He didn’t have this full blown monster cold that I somehow picked up.

From Friday, May 27, 2011

The first order of business this morning was to make a trip to the doctor. Still no better - chest congestion, mighty sneezes, stopped up nose (painful from dryness and stuffiness), and a pounding headache that won't go away.

Charlie contacted our Tricare contact and she sent us to a Patient First urgent care center not far from from here. It was a nice facility, but it was a little weird that the receptionist behind the counter didn't speak to us when we walked up. Then we noticed that there was a computer screen asking for name and address, etc. Even after filling in all the information she didn't say a word, so we went and sat down.

It was only a short wait, and we were called in to go over what we'd entered and get our IDs, insurance info, and a summary of symptoms,etc. We thought we would have to leave without seeing a doctor when we couldn't find Judi's military dependent ID card. Charlie offered his ID card (Tricare uses Charlie's SSN as the main ID), but the girl taking the information correctly noted that it didn't prove that we were married. She found all the confirmation she needed by going online with Tricare.

It was a short wait before I was called in. Charlie stayed in the waiting area. He was going to go through my wallet again to see if my ID was there.

After my weight and temperature (no fever) were taken, I went to a room to wait for a doctor. When he (physician’s assistant) came in, he got my general symptoms, BP, etc. He thought it was more likely allergies causing all of this havoc. I had taken a strep throat swab test and he said he would be surprised if it was positive (I assume it was negative). So, he prescribed cough syrup with codeine (yee haw), amoxicillin, and a nasal spray.

We left Patient First feeling better that I didn’t have a life threatening disease. I’ve probably already suffered through the worst part and it was on its way out. After all, it’s been almost a week now.

My coughing has gotten so bad that when I feel a good, choking, coughing spell coming on, I excuse myself and go outside. I went out to the RV and really felt the need to lie down. I fell asleep on the couch.

Mom took “Thunder” back to the vet for his post-surgery checkup. He got a clean bill of health. Looks like he’s on his way now. His collar was removed. He does have to stay in for a couple of weeks though, until his mouth heals. He has no teeth now. Mom bought him some of those “Fish market” cat foods that is real fish and has lots of juice. He seems to really like them. She said that even when his teeth were so bad, he still would crunch up the hard cat food and treats. I think cats swallow dry food whole sometimes and our vet said that was okay. I don’t think “Thunder” will miss out on much food when he feels better.

“Thunder” was pitiful yesterday when he wanted outside. He kept going to the door or the window with the cat door in it. Mom blocked it so he couldn’t get out. I finally took him back into Mom’s room so he wouldn’t try to get out.

Charlie’s brother, Tim and wife, Dorothy, came over for dinner. I was up when they came in. After dinner, I started coughing and went to the RV. There, I stretched out on the couch and closed my eyes for awhile. Pretty soon it was dark outside. When I went back into the house, Tim and Dorothy were gone. But, I will see them on Sunday at Doris and Dane’s. I'm sure I'll also feel more like visiting then too.

I took my cough syrup and went to bed. It knocked me out, along with my Motrin, of course. I slept well until about 3:15am, when it wore off. I took some more, went back to sleep, and didn’t get up until 11:30am!

Saturday, May 28, 2011, 2:23pm

Charlie came in and said “Mom made you some potato soup”. I’m actually feeling much better. Not sure if it’s the drugs or more sleep, but whatever, I’m thankful to feel better.

I got up, took a shower and went downstairs. Charlie and I had a bowl of soup. I’m sure it was delicious (Charlie said so) but, I couldn’t taste it. I could tell it was hot and salty, but I couldn’t taste the potatoes or onions in it. I noticed I lost my sense of taste and smell yesterday. I can tell when something is sweet or salty, but it has no taste. I hope this is temporary.

Charlie and Mom were getting ready to go to Mathew’s (Charlie’s nephew) house. He lives near the beach at Ocean View. He had planned a cook out today. I had said earlier that I didn’t think I would be able to go, but I wanted Charlie to take pictures. We missed getting over there two years ago when we were here. Tim (Mathew’s dad) is also going over and maybe some of Mathew’s friends.

Our cats are in heaven here in “grandma’s” house. There are so many windows to look out and each window has a cat shelf to sit on. Jonesie is in the room next door, dozing, looking out onto the backyard. Jason is in the window in our room, dozing, looking out onto the side yard. Kaci is curled up on the bed in the room next door. They just make themselves to home here.

The windows in the living room look out onto the front yard. Mom has cat shelves in each window, or a table near, so the cats can sit there and watch the birds and squirrels run around. Our cats are going to miss their little “windows of the world” when we leave here. They saw their first squirrel from those windows.

I’ve been sick this week, but I am enjoying our visit here. It’s going to be hard to leave.

More later...

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