Tuesday, May 24, 2011

“If you fall down seven times, get up eight”

From Monday, May 23, 2011 New Bern, NC to Virginia Beach, VA

We got up around 7:00am and had coffee. After feeding the cats, they settled in as usual, not suspecting anything. Finally we started getting things ready to move. When Charlie goes out and starts working around outside the RV, the cats know we’re leaving and they go to their respective safe spots.

It was very cloudy and started getting darker and darker outside. The rain was coming. It started sprinkling and Charlie finished disconnecting just before the rain started. We sat inside for a few minutes, waiting for it to let up. I had to take the rental car back to the airport. By the time we got out of the park, it had slowed to a sprinkle.

The airport was east of town across the river. It had not even rained over there. In fact the girl at Enterprise was complaining that the heat and humidity was so bad. She wished it would rain. I told her she might get her wish.

By now it was about 11:20am. We headed north to Virginia. We had expected to run into more rain on the way, but we didn’t and not much traffic either.

We got here to Virginia Beach around 2:30pm—ish. Balloons were hanging from the front of the house. Charlie’s mom and her neighbor, Jan were here to welcome us. Jan has become a good friend of ours as well. She blew up balloons and Mom hung them out front. It was very festive looking. Nothing like a welcome home like that! And she had made two cakes…a chocolate one and a cocoanut one.

Charlie’s brother, Jeff, came home from work. Charlie’s aunt and uncle, Doris and Dane, came over for dinner. Unfortunately, I didn’t save room for cocoanut cake.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 12:10pm

I didn’t think I’d wake up so early this morning because I was so tired last night. This cold really takes a lot out of me. It was 6:00am though. I stayed in bed as long as I could and then had to feed the cats. They were bouncing off the walls. Every time the door would open to the bedroom, there was a cat waiting to run out.

I went downstairs for a little while and then came back up to our room. When I opened the door, all three cats flooded out. I just left the door open and let them go. They snooped around the whole upstairs and then ventured downstairs. Jason was a little more cautious. He stayed upstairs and then went under our bed. Jonesie was running all over the place. Soon he was at home, stretching out on the floor, playing with the other cats’ toys. Kaci looked around awhile and then went back upstairs to be with Jason.

One of Mom’s cats, “Thunder”, had to have oral surgery today. He had infections in some of the roots of his teeth. I guess he had been on medication for awhile, but then the vet said his gums were so swollen and infected, that he was in pain and needed surgery. They took “Thunder” in to leave him for surgery around 7:15am. Since Jason has been sneezing for the past week, I asked Charlie to make an appointment for him. We’re taking him in at 2:20pm today. This is just a pre-caution. Jason is still eating and seems to feel okay.

I was sitting upstairs working on my blog a little while ago. I heard some commotion outside which sounded like dogs barking, some voices, etc. I really didn’t pay attention. Then I heard “Help, somebody! Help!” The dog was barking. “Help, Help!” I went to the window and didn’t see anything, but kind of recognized the voice. It sounded like Jan. She lives on the opposite corner behind this house.

I went downstairs and told Charlie that I thought Jan was in trouble. We all went out and sure enough, Jan was sitting in the grass next to the street in the side yard. She had tripped and fallen. Mom called 911. Jan was fine she said, but she knew we couldn’t get her up. She’s too heavy for us to lift.

Charlie and I stayed out there with her. She was joking and telling us about the fall. Then we saw a police car at the corner. He came over and Charlie told him that 911 had been called. He said he’d stay until they got there.

Very soon, we heard sirens. Then a big, red fire truck was coming down the street towards us, with lights flashing. It all looked so dramatic. By this time, poor Jan is going, “Oh no! Turn off those sirens! This is awful!” I don’t think she was expecting this much attention. I was thinking to myself, if this ever happens to me, I’m going to lie down and close my eyes. All of this service, and so quick!

The fire truck drew up. The paramedics came over. Jan told them she was fine, just embarrassed. They were very nice. They got her on her feet and made sure she could walk, and that someone was with her before they left.

We went into the house and not long afterwards, Jan said “Oh, no! The ambulance is out there!” Apparently someone else had called the accident in. Charlie went out and told them it was taken care of. They had already started opening the back of the ambulance. Then the driver said “It’s okay guys. Back in the truck” and off they went. I must say, the tax payers of Virginia Beach get their money’s worth!

Sheila and the cats, Kaci, Jonesie and Jason now have the complete run of grandma’s house.

More later…….

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