Monday, October 11, 2010

The world's most fearless human.........

Taz and Twins, Jason (L) and Kaci (R)
September 2009

owns a white cat and a black couch.

I would like to get back into doing Taz's blog. I was very close to him, but I was also close to Grady. I always thought that Grady would be the buffer to help me get through losing Taz one day. Of course, we hoped and expected both of them to live longer than they did. But, Grady suddenly passed away last February. That was very hard on us. And now that Taz is not here, who is going to be "my cat?"

Taz was always so jealous and possessive. None of the other cats were allowed to sit on my lap if he was around. Since Grady had his bed in my computer room, we spent more time together and he was attached to me. Besides Grady, I did not groom another cat to be with me after Taz.

The 3 year old Twins, Jason and Kaci are the only cats we have ever had that Taz not only tolerated, but he sat with them and I think he actually liked them.

When we went on trips in the RV, we took Taz and the Twins with us, along with Sheila. They got along well. If Taz was on my lap and Kaci wanted to sit there, she had no qualms about trying to squeeze in next to Taz. I discouraged it because I knew Taz would just leave, but sometimes he didn't leave. He would let her lay right next to him. That would never happen with one of the other cats. The Twins were special.

I'm working on getting closer to Jason. He's very independent and very cute. We call him our "Dennis the Menace". He's not a lap cat, but sometimes he will come and sit next to me and just purr so loud. I think I can win him over one day.

In the meantime, I plan on giving all of the cats as much attention as I can. It will help all of us to get back to some kind of "normal". Who knows, maybe I'll get a lap cat one day!

I know there's not going to be another Taz. I can always hope though!

More later..........


  1. I have always wanted a lap cat. When we went on our trip to ND this summer, sweetie cat became my lap cat. We bought this huge "cage" that took up the whole back seat in the truck (2 seats and middle) and it was as high as the back of the seat so we thought that would work. Ha. Sweetie Cat did not like it at all. Not with water. Not with food. Not with toys. Ha. Of coarse when we got there and here, that was the end of wanting to sit on my lap. Things seem to happen when it is the right time and it will for you too.

  2. That's true. Taz never used to be a "lap cat", but as he got older and felt threatened by the other cats, he started staking out his territory and would come and sit on my lap more. For sure, he was in the chair next to me every night. That's why the nights are worse for me since that's when we spent the most time together. I know you understand.
