Thursday, August 23, 2012

I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs.-- James Herriot

Mr. Creme’s blood glucose was tested with our home kit on Monday.  He was 438 which is a little high.  We have been giving him one unit of insulin for the past two weeks.  He has been drinking more water and eating more, yet apparently losing weight.  These are symptoms of diabetes that we’ve seen before.   I made an appointment to have another fructosamine test done.  We wanted to see if the vet wanted to increase the insulin.   

The vet did a fructosamine test and also a urine test, to make sure MC didn’t have a bladder infection.  In addition to drinking so much water, he is also peeing quite a bit.  We were told to increase the insulin by one unit, so now it will be one unit twice a day. 

The fructosamine test came in high, just as we expected.  But, the doctor says to stay on two units a day and bring MC back for recheck in a month.  I hope we can get him stabilized again.  We were hoping he would stay in remission, but now we need to make sure he starts feeling better.

Lexi also went to the vet that day.  She is still sneezing and congested.  She had a chest X-ray.  It was clear, thank goodness.  So her blood tests are good, there are no parasites, her lungs and other organs look fine.  We started her on Prednisone and Amoxicillin.  The doctor thinks Lexi might have a food allergy which is causing her irritable bowel syndrome.  Poor little thing still has diarrhea.  But, she is eating fine and as active as she usually is.  I bought some food for her which is grain free.  She’s only been on it a couple of days.  The doctor said to give it a couple of months.  We should see some kind of improvement by then.  If not, I don’t know what to do next.

When Jezibel and her five kittens, Lexi, Ellie, Mr. Creme, (Grady and Toby), were young, Charlie and I talked about how, one day, we would probably be dealing with several of them having ailments at the same time because they are all the same age.  They are 12 years old now.

Jezibel is 13, but she was only about 6 months old when she had these kittens.  She seems to be in pretty good health.  Right now we are dealing with Mr. Creme and Lexi's problems.  Ellie has the asthma, but otherwise is doing fine.     

Charlie and I went to a Padre game last Friday night.  It had been over a month since we’d been there.  We lost to San Francisco 10-1, but it was still fun to have a night out.  It was warm, even when the sun went down.  Usually we need our jackets, but I didn’t even bring one that night. 

We managed to get out of the house again today.  We went to the movies and saw “Hope Springs”.  It was a comedy with Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones.  It was one of those movies that I had read nothing about, so I didn’t know what it was about until I saw it.  I think Charlie had seen reviews on it.  Anyway, it was very good.  Charlie is not a Meryl Streep fan, but he said he thought this was her best movie.  It was one of those movies that had an ending that made you feel good.

More later....
TazzyD.... _^..^_

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