We went to the Padres’ baseball game last week. It was nice and warm, even after the sun went down. That is unusual for San Diego. Usually, even if it’s warm during the day here it cools off immediately in the evening. Anyway, I love this warm weather, even with the “high” humidity of 60-80%.
Our Padre season ticket rep, Nick, invited us to stop by and see him before the game. He was renewing for next season. After signing on the dotted line, we received a glass of champagne. (Wait, who got the best part of that deal?)
We also found time to go to the Del Mar horse races. Their season ended on September 6. We usually make at least one race each season. Charlie and I are not big gamblers, but we can manage to put $2-6 on each race. I pick my horse by where it is bred and by its’ name. I do read a little to see how many times it has run and how it did. There were 8 races that day. I played “Comic Kitty”, to place and “Gypsy Kitty” to show in the 1st race. I won $3.40 on “Gypsy Kitty” for showing, coming in 3rd.
“Include the Cat” did not win anything in the 2nd race and neither did “Bacardi Cat Run” in the 3rd race. “You Little Devil” lost for me in the 4th race. “Princess Ash” showed and won $3.00 for me in the 5th. “Cat Meeting” came in 2nd in the 6th race. I won $3.10.
It was the 7th race that was my winner. Charlie and I both bet on “Tilde”. She won and paid us $8.40. But, we also bet on “Awe’ Some Kitten”, me to show and Charlie to place. She came in 2nd. We decided to skip the 8th race, take our winnings and go have dinner. It was a fun day. Charlie actually did better than I did, but he split his winnings with me.
I checked the paper the next day. My horse, which I would have bet on in the 8th race, “Mary Helen’s Storm”, came in 2nd. I would have bet for her to place so there goes my $3.00!
“Tilde”, the winner of the 7th race, was the first horse to win two stakes at Del Mar. She had won a race there on July 20.
I’m hoping that we have found a way to keep our cats in the yard. We thought about making an enclosure within our yard for the cats. The fence would be 7' or 8' high. We received estimates and it was more than we felt we wanted to spend.
But, we like to let our cats outside. It gives us a break and they enjoy being outside. We just don’t want them out of the yard. We started putting 4'2' lattice over each gate. That was enough to discourage the jumpers from leaving the yard.
After seeing that this temporary fix seemed to work, Charlie went to Lowes and bought some wood lattice. He cut it to fit over the gates and the fence in the front. It looks nice. He plans on eventually running it all the way around. It adds a foot to our 6' fence and so far, the cats have no interest in trying to get out.
It’s nice to be able to let them outside and check on them once in awhile to let them know we are watching. They are happy to sleep and watch the birds, butterflies and bees.
I took the bird feeders down after Jonesie and Rhody caught a bird one day. The cats get to stay out until 6:00 or 7:00 p.m., summer hours. It’s been so warm, they love the cool concrete patio floor.
We are still dealing with fleas. We have treated the house again and Terminex has treated the yard twice. Each treatment is supposed to last 45 days. I have been using Frontline on the cats and Sheila gets the pill, Comfortis. The topical wasn’t working for her. I read that flea infestation may take up to 2-4 months to rid. We haven’t had this problem in a long time.
Today we combed the cats and it looks like the fleas are decreasing, so we’re hoping that soon they will be back under control. We will definitely treat all year around now.
Mr. Creme is doing fine. He’s eating well. I hope he’s gaining weight. He will go back to the vet for testing on 9/17. He is so sweet. We haven’t been doing a blood glucose test like we had planned. We would like to do it two times a week. The vet discourages it because she has clients who give the test and if blood glucose is up, they increase insulin. That is dangerous because it’s better to have high numbers rather than hypoglycemia (low) levels.
Lexi is doing better. She does not like the grain-free dry food I am giving her, but she eats the wet food well. The good news is, her diarrhea is better. Her congestion is better too. She goes back to the vet on 9/17. The tests at her last appointment were good. Her thyroid meds are working and there doesn’t seem to be any side effects.
Ellie has changed her routine. We notice all changes. We know each one and know when they my not feel well. Ellie now wants to be outside. It could be the warmer days, but although she is eating well, she has lost a few ounces. She used to stay at 9 lbs., and at last weigh she was 8.6 lbs. It’s noticeable that she has lost weight. We plan to take her to the vet on Tuesday to have a senior blood panel done just to make sure she doesn’t have a thyroid problem like her sister, Lexi. Hopefully there will not be any bigger problems with her.
More later....
TazzyD.... _^..^_
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