Dot, Dash (white ones), and Cody |
I talked to Karen Wednesday. She and Greg have been staying in constant contact with us since we brought Kiki and her kittens home from their wood pile in October.
Karen told me that Greg’s brother would like to take Kiki. He already has a three month old kitten, Chino. Kiki’s kittens are about three months as well. We’re hoping she will accept him and he will accept her. We were happy to hear that Kiki would have a home, but of course, it’s always bittersweet when we have to see them go. I’m not a good foster mom. I don’t like letting them go. I know that anyone who knows me would never know that about me.....right?
Karen and Greg came by yesterday morning and picked Kiki up to go to her new home in Rancho Cucumongo, about two hours away from here. I received a text from Karen that Kiki made it to her new home. She and Greg were staying overnight and coming home this afternoon. I’m sure I’ll get a report tomorrow on how Kiki did last night and today. She also texted me a picture of Chino. He’s a very cute little guy.
Cody, Dot and Dash had their first night without their mother (if you don’t count the one night that they stayed alone in the wood pile after we trapped Kiki). They were starving this morning and cleaned their little plates. I left the door to their room open and they wandered up and down the hallway. One of the white ones ventured downstairs and out to the cat patio. I imagined that she was looking for her mom, but I’m sure she just went to a familiar area. But, she did jump up on the cat tree where Kiki usually slept. I’m just saying....
The kittens stayed under Charlie’s desk all day long. I checked on them during the day and they were curled up asleep together. Charlie said it was because his room is the warmest room in the house. His computers are on most of the time and it does get warm and cozy in there. But, I think it’s because he has mind control on every girl cat in our house. They all just migrate to him. I used to think that the little boy cats were more attracted to me, but they like Charlie too. That would be fine, but the girls don’t spend much time with me, unless it’s time to eat.
Charlie said that earlier the kittens were at the top of the stairs, which is where Sheila likes to lay. They were running all around her and didn’t seem to mind her at all. She’s kind of gotten over the excitement over them that she had at first. Now she just lies there and watches them run around.
We went out to the Pinery Christmas Tree Farm yesterday and bought a tree. It’s a pretty 6' Douglas Fir. We have an artificial tree, but we decided we wanted a fresh one this year. We also decided to put it in our family room for the first time. We (mostly Charlie) decorated it last night and really didn’t know how many decorations would still be on the tree this morning. This is Rhody’s first Christmas and at seven months old, he’s in to everything. He’s big and clumsy too.
Sure enough, this morning part of the light strand was hanging on the floor and two or three ornaments were on the floor. Nothing broken though. I think the novelty has worn off now (hopefully) and they will not pull anything else off the tree.
One reason I didn’t help too much with the tree decorations is that I’m still having quite a bit of pain in my left back hip area. The 8 weeks or so that I went to physical therapy did not seem to help. I’ve started seeing my chiropractor again. He has pinpointed my problem to a pulled ligament in my gluteus maximus area. I need to write some of the names down when I see him again.
When I left him last week, I felt really good. I went through the afternoon without pain and it’s been so long since I didn’t have pain every day, I have forgotten how it is not to think about it. I’m considering asking my doctor for an MRI, but in the meantime, I do feel like my chiropractor is helping me. I will see him next week.
More later.........
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