Sunday, December 18, 2011

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph--Shirley Temple

Last Saturday we went to the Christmas tree farm and bought our 6' Douglas Fir tree.  We usually put our artificial tree up, but this year we decided to have a real one.

It’s a pretty tree.  From almost all angles, it looks straight.  The stand we used didn’t have a large capacity for water and we were a little concerned about that, but we would just check it morning and night and add water.

We didn’t know how Rhody would behave around the tree since this is his very first Christmas. Jonesie was new last Christmas and we had no problem with him.  Rhody is very different than Jonesie though.

The first morning we found the bottom strand of lights hanging on the floor and two or three ornaments lying around.  Most had been pulled off without their stems, so instead of trying to find the hooks and stems on the thick tree, I just put the ornaments on a shelf.

We found virtually the same thing the next day and the next, but figured that pretty soon the novelty would wear off or all the ornaments would be off the tree, and they’d leave the tree alone.

I was sitting at the dining room table one afternoon, addressing Christmas cards.  Jonesie and Rhody were running through the house like they do.  I was aware of it, but really wasn’t paying attention to them.

Suddenly I heard a crash and then sounds like breakage, coming from the family room.  I went to see what the noise was.  Our Christmas tree had fallen over, or should I say, had been pulled over by someone.  It was shock to see.  We have never had that happen before.

Charlie got it back up and we assessed the damage.  Yes, some of the one-of-a-kind, special ornaments were broken, three to be exact, and others had fallen, but were not broken.  Charlie said he would go to the store and get a BIGGER stand, one that the cats couldn’t turn over.

When he came back, he had the stand that the salesman at Home Depot had told him, “They will not knock this one over!”  It also has a reservoir which holds lots of water and is easier to fill.

So far, the tree is still standing.  Of course we have another week before Christmas, so I’ve still got my fingers crossed.

Cat proof.....not!
I admire people who decorate their home at Christmas and other holidays.  It does change the atmosphere and makes you feel happy.  Charlie’s mom in Virginia, Doreen, always has such a festive house at Christmas.  I don’t know how she does it, but we’re always glad that she does.  We’ve visited there at Christmas and there’s no feeling like driving up to the house and seeing all of the lights on and Santas and snowmen in the yard.  I just love it.  She sent pictures of this year:

Her front yard

It looks so pretty

There's Rudolph!

We lived in Virginia through two Christmases.  I think we decorated more there than we do here. We put lights up outside and decorations in the house.  It was a two story Williamsburg style house and in the winter, it just looked like it should be dressed up for the holidays. 

Our house this year, the pretty blue lights are solar powered, wrapped around a small tree in front, Charlie's idea.  He gets his creativity honestly......from his mom!

There is a “Christmas Circle” here in town, not far from our house.  Most of the people on both sides of the street go all out with the holiday spirit.  Charlie and I walked over there one night a couple of years ago to see the lights and decorations.  Some are very elaborate. It’s really quite a treat to see it.  We could have driven over and through the street, but hundreds of other people from all around have the same idea.  While you’re walking on the sidewalks, cars are slowly driving by, as if they are driving through an animal park. The cars were bumper to bumper.  It was nicer to walk through.  I'm glad we don't live on that street though.  It would be too much pressure to decorate every year.  We noticed that only a couple of houses did not decorate.

I’m at the end (I hope) of a week long cold.  It’s the sneezy, “can’t blow my nose enough” stage right now.  I hope it’s better tomorrow.  Our weather has been cold and rainy too, so it feels appropriate to feel this way.

More later...........

1 comment:

  1. We got even braver yesterday and even put gifts under the tree ... Rhody has been snooping around but so far so good. :-)
