We took Taz back to VSH on Saturday because he wouldn't eat at all. His nose was still totally blocked. The antibiotic, Clavomox, doesn't seem to be working. It can also cause nausea, especially if he's not eating. After examination, the doctor suggested that we increase the Cerenia (for nausea) to 1/2 pill, up from 1/4 pill a day. He was hydrated and sent home.
On Sunday, he refused to eat and was still very congested, worse it seemed. I managed to get a little food in his mouth and he swallowed. We thought we had seen him drinking some water earlier too. He seemed to be more listless than usual. We called VSH and doctor said Cerenia should have worked on him within a half hour of dose. We took him in for examination. His gums were pale and a blood test showed he was anemic. He stayed at the hospital for observation. Later, we went back to see him and to bring his meds that he needed to take. He was in with the dogs because of his upper respiratory problem. But, it was very quiet, no barking. He was laying there on his blanket with an IV hooked up. He looked so comfortable and was breathing through his nose. He was glad to see us though and tried to get up, but actually he was being very calm. They said they would check his red blood cells at 1:00am and if the number was not up, they would try meds to help. They don't know why he's anemic. They are treating symptoms of the URI in order to make him feel better and eat.
Thanks for the update. I said a little prayer for Taz man. It sounds like he brightened up a little at your visit. Hope he will get well enough to come home soon.