Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A neighbour's cat, sitting on the wall, waiting to be stroked, brightens up an otherwise miserable walk to work. - Author Unknown

We’ve been giving Mr. Creme insulin twice a day for a week now.  He’s eating pretty well.  I let him out into the back yard this morning.  Later I went out to check on him.  When he hears the door from the garage, he comes around.  I met him in the yard as he was coming my way.  I noticed that his legs looked weak.  He was walking like a raccoon, his back was hunched up. 

We called the vet and they said to bring him in for a glucose test.  The test showed that his levels were still high, but better than when he took the fructosamine test last week.

They were afraid he was hypoglycemic, which is dangerous.  He could go into a coma because the insulin brings the blood sugar down too low.  He was fine though.

I just feel like we’re flying blind because even though we’re told to give him 3 units of insulin in the morning and 2 at night, I don’t know what his glucose count is each time because I don’t test him.  Testing would mean that we’d have to get blood from Mr. Creme’s ear before we gave him insulin. 

From what I’ve read, the blood is taken from the ear or the pad of the paw.  I would think either one would be very uncomfortable. 

We’ve always considered Mr. Creme “hard-wired” because he likes his comforts, his food, and really anything else is gravy to him.

We didn’t raise Mr. Creme.  As he says, “I was raised by a man and a boy.”  That would be my friend, Brian, and his son, John.  Mr. Creme and Toby were eight weeks old when Brian took them home with him. 

From the pictures I saw, the kittens were living a very comfortable life with the man and the boy.  I used to see Brian every day and ask about the kittens and he would say, “The boys are fine.”  Then it got to the point where he would walk in the door of the office and when I looked up, he would say, “The boys are fine.”

Brian and I were talking about the kittens one day.  I told him that our three, Lexi, Ellie and Grady, were always climbing the screens in the windows.  I tried to discipline them, but they wouldn’t learn.  He said he didn’t have a discipline problem with Mr. Creme and Toby.  I said, “What do you do?”, thinking he had something profound to tell me.  He said, “Easy.  I don’t discipline them.”

So, needless to say, Mr. Creme and Toby never heard a discouraging word until they came back to live with us in December 2002.  They were almost three years old.

Maybe because they had not been disciplined or yelled at, like all of ours have, they were two of the sweetest, most loving cats we had.  We never could figure out what Brian did to make them that way.  We had raised the brother and sisters and had loved them, given them attention, but they were the most standoffish, frightened of their shadow, cats we’d seen.  They grew up together, but couldn’t stand each other.

Of course, when Mr. Creme and Toby moved in with us, our other cats hated them and were always glaring, growling and hissing at them.  If that hadn’t been the case, MC and T would have just settled in and it would have been a happy home.

Instead our house was in an uproar all the time.  We kept MC and T in a room for about a week or two and then when they came out, all hell broke loose.  I don’t know if that’s when MC started spraying.  He may have been doing that when he was still with Brian. 

We had him awhile before we even knew he was spraying/marking.  Poor thing, all the cats just hated him.  Toby was the only one who liked him.  The two of them would sleep together in a chair.  We thought it was neat that the two got along.  Of course, they were raised together.  But, their sisters and brother didn’t like each other and they were also raised together.

Mr. Creme will go back for another fructosamine test in a couple of weeks.  I’m hoping that his glucose level will be down and he will start feeling almost normal again. 

I went to run some errands today.  When I came home, I thought how much I missed seeing Mr. Creme in our yard as I drove up.  He used to spend time in our neighbor's yard, sleeping on the front window sill and greeting our neighbor, Bridgit, when she walked by, going to and from the mailbox.  When I got out of my car, he would walk out to meet me and usually would come in with me.  Of course, he would go on into the garage.    

I spend a lot of time with MC and he does like the attention.  I just wish he didn’t spray, so he could be in the house with me.  He’s just so cuddly and easy to hold.  Except for his mom, Jezibel, and sisters, Lexi and Ellie, all of the other cats like him.  He would be accepted in the house.


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