Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet -- Roger Miller

Yesterday was Labor Day. We woke up to cloudy skies and rain. Yes, rain, here in Southern California.....where the song says it never rains.

I got ready to go walking with my friend, Kim. The sun was trying to appear when I went out to my car. The street looked dry, but my car was still wet. When I got to Kim’s house, she asked if it was still raining and I said, “No, it’s all over. It’s gone. It’s nothing.”

So we walked our usual walk and I left to drive home. As I was driving along, I noticed a sprinkle on my windshield. Now, if we lived in Virginia or somewhere that had rain all the time, I wouldn’t think anything about it. But, here it is, early September and I don’t think we’ve had rain here since February or March. So, rain is a big deal.

The sprinkles turned into real rain drops and I had to use my windshield wipers. This was serious stuff. Of course, by the time I got home, the rain had passed over and I didn’t have to run to the house to miss the drops.

The day remained cloudy though and it became humid. Humidity is also something we don’t experience here very often. At least what we usually have is not noticeable. On the east coast, it’s a given. Humidity comes with the summer, etc. I don’t really mind it because I have lived on the east coast and I can actually tolerate humidity more than most people can.

It was a lazy day. I was trying to catch up on some reading, so I curled up on the couch and settled in. After awhile, I guess I looked too comfortable because a couple of the cats, Rhody and Kaci, came by and decided they wanted to also curl up. I can sit in one place for an hour and then decide I need to get up and do something. That is when they always want to sit with me.

Charlie took Rhody back to the vet on Sunday. He had been declawed and neutered and the vet wanted to make sure he was doing okay. We thought he’d get a clean bill of health. But, no. As Charlie said, “He got a frown from the doctor.” Apparently, Rhody had been chewing on his right paw and had injured a toe. We didn’t notice it, but I guess we thought since Rhody was walking around and seemed normal, we didn’t think there was a problem.

They took Rhody back and “cleaned up the paw” and he was given antibiotics to take for a week. The dreaded collar went back on.

So, as Rhody sat on my lap, I took his collar off so he could tidy up a little while I watched. He licked and washed and licked and washed. When I caught him licking his paw, I stopped him and he went to licking something else. He looked like he was really enjoying himself. His fur was getting all wet. I think he figured that as long as he washed himself, I would let the collar stay off.

I had one of his toys and I teased him with that for awhile. Then he wanted to play with my hand. He started nibbling and sometimes a little too hard. The collar went back on and that was that. I didn’t even feel guilty about it. He was getting sleepy anyway.

Charlie decided he would go out in the yard and trim some bushes. Since he was going to be out there, I put the “dresses” (collars) on Jason, Kaci, Jezibel and Jonesie so they could go out for while. I usually sit outside with them, but today I just went out to check on them. Charlie was out there too and he knew where they were.

I went back to the couch to read some more. Then I heard rain drops on the cat’s patio roof. That’s a small enclosed patio just off of the living room. I went to the back patio door just in time to see Charlie carrying Jonesie to the patio. Apparently Jonesie was getting wet and didn’t really understand what was happening. He’d never been out in the rain.

We got Jonesie last December and he’s always been an indoor only cat. We just recently started letting him and the twins out into our backyard. Supervised at all times, of course.

Well, Jonesie was having none of this kid glove treatment. He ran back out into the yard. The raindrops were hitting him and he got so excited. He started running around the grass like he was chasing imaginary bugs.

The rain didn’t last long, but it did sprinkle off and on for the rest of the day.

This morning when I looked outside, I saw that it had been raining again. Well, when I say rain, it would actually be what people in normal rain states would call, “sprinkles”, if that. But, it’s enough to make the walks and streets look wet.

Then I heard on the radio that it would be “raining” off and on today and some areas would have thunder and lightning. Probably not here on the coast. That’s usually more like what they have east of us in the mountains. I hope there are no lightning strikes which could possibly start fires. It is that time of year, I’m afraid.

The humidity is a big.....81%! I know that would feel pretty dry to our friends and relatives out east. But, like the rain, it’s big news here.

We lived in Virginia when hurricane Isabelle went through. I know what strong winds and rain look like. I've even seen wind and rain storms here that were pretty scary and did damage to property.

I remember going to work on rainy days and most of the conversations were on the weather. It was not even a storm, just winter rain. Time was wasted just looking out the window at the rain coming down. I guess it would be like watching snow in Honolulu.

More later...........

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